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Washburn Rural High School
Air Force Junior ROTC
KS-20131 Events for October 2017
October 03 --- Varsity Boys Soccer Color/Honor Guard 1730-1845
October 06 --- Varsity Football Color/Honor Guard 1800-1930
October 06 --- Stadium Clean up Fundraiser - Immediately after the game (Last about
15 minutes)
October 12 --- Varsity Boys Soccer CG/HG - 1730-1845
October 23 --- Concessions Fundraiser - Shift 1: 1615-1830 (2 Adults) - Shift 2:
1815-Close (2 Adults)
1. All activities are voluntary.
2. Fundraising activities require 2 to 20 adults, depending on the activity.
3. Events will be added or deleted as needed.
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